CHI Steering Committee Survey Policy

Approved: July 14, 2020

Responsibility: CHI SC Data Director

This policy applies to all surveys conducted with the intention to inform and improve the running of the CHI conference. 

Post-conference survey

The CHI Steering Committee runs the post-conference survey that is sent to all CHI attendees in the two weeks that follow the end of the conference.

Additional surveys

The CHI Steering Committee or the CHI organizers might need to run additional surveys for purposes such as assessing the value of a recent change, or targeting a specific population (e.g., program committee members).

Additional surveys should be run only if there is an actual need to get data that are not already collected through the post-conference survey.

SC Data Organization and Analysis Director must be consulted on additional surveys to ensure best practice on survey design and data collection can be followed, along with GDPR compliance. 

Tools and practices

Any data collection should be run using the SIGCHI SurveyMonkey Enterprise account in order to ensure a secure, GDPR compliant storage ( Email [email protected] to request access to this account.

In accordance with GDPR, the CHI Steering Committee encourages collecting data for a specified purpose, and in an anonymous way.

Any data reporting should ensure protection of personal data using proper anonymization and aggregation processing.